Grand River Vet

(616)-745-7904 (Tina)

[email protected]

661 Lincoln Lake Rd, SE
Lowell MI, 49331

Lowell Meijer


Lowell Police


Lowell Fair Grounds

(616)897-6057                Ron W.: (616)-292-9786

City Hall of Lowell


Alto Elementary


Animal Hospital of Lowell

[email protected]

Pawsitive Canine Training


Lowell Dog Park



Grandville Petsmart


Wittenbach Center


Humane Society of Kent County


3077 Wilson Dr., NW
Walker, MI 49512


(616)-987-2800 (Mr. Fowler)

Cherry Creek Elementary

(616)-987-2700 (Mr. Stevens)


(616)-987-2650 (Mr. Bird)

Kent County Sheriff Dept.

(616)-632-6100 (K9 Unit)

Dog Days Spa and Kennel


Petsmart, Kentwood


Chamber of Commerce of Lowell

(616)-897-9161 (Liz Baker)

Larkins Restaurant 
